Health Services

Diabetes Self Management Education Program

The Diabetes Self Management Education Program provides strategies for successful management of diabetes for the active duty, dependents, and retirees. The class is a two part series scheduled on a two week rotating basis. The Diabetes Classes are self-referral and do not require a doctors consult. Participants need to complete Part 1 to attend Part 2.

Part 1 and part 2 can be booked through the Endocrinology Clinic at 757-953-2116.

What to Bring

Glucose log, meal plan, questions, information to share, support, spouse, significant other.

  • To ensure an optimal learning experience, we ask that you not bring children. Child care is available at the Child Waiting Center by calling 953-6904.
  • Please park in the parking garage.

Point of Contact

Endocrinology Division, Diabetes Clinic, 757-953-2116.

Diabetes Self Management Education Program

Location: Endocrinology Clinic, Building 2, 2nd floor., Suite 2E
When: Check-in 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. Class  8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Part 1:

  • Introduction to Diabetes
  • Prevention of Complications
  • Medications
  • Hypo/Hyperglycemia
  • Sick Day Management
  • Glucometer and Pattern Management

Part 2:

  • Nutrition Management
  • Dining Out
  • Exercise
  • Stress Management
  • Foot Care
  • Goal Setting and Problem Solving

"The Naval Medical Center Portsmouth diabetes self-management education program has been awarded continued Recognition from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) since 2006. This program offers high-quality education services to the patient it serves. The ADA Education Recognition assures that approved education programs have met the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education Program."

Contact Us

Patient Feedback

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(757) 953-2116


Charette Health Care Center
Building 2, 2nd Deck (Beside Gift Shop)


Monday through Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 
Clinic is closed on Weekends and Holidays.

Department Services

Adult Specialty Medicine for patients with Diabetes and/or Endocrine Diseases


A consult or referral is required. Active Duty personnel receive priority scheduling. Dependents and retired personnel are seen on a limited-space-available basis or referred to TRICARE

Diabetes Self Management

*Updated 20 April 2023
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.