Health Services

Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMPC) Oncology Department provides high-quality hematologic and oncologic care throughout the illness continuum. Treatments are individualized based on National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines and ever-changing evidence. Patients receive interdisciplinary care with personalized attention from surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, pharmacists, oncology nurses, nutritionists, social workers, therapists, and chaplains.

NCMP is proud of its high scores for patient satisfaction and its accreditation as an Academic Cancer Center by the American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer.

This prestigious accreditation is granted based on the medical center's ability to meet stringent cancer-program standards. These standards include providing comprehensive care utilizing state-of-the-art services and equipment; access to cancer-related information, education, and support; information regarding present clinical trials and new options for treatment; ongoing monitoring for improvement of care; and quality care close to home.

Contact Us


Cancer Care Telephone Numbers


8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Charette Health Care Center
Building 2, 3rd Floor

Availability of Services

Admissions & Dispositions, Coding, Data Flow, Decedent Affairs, HIPAA, Inpatient Records, Medical Boards, Outpatient Records, Transcriptions, and Tumor Registry.
*Updated 4 April 2023

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