Fleet LIMDU Coordinators
Every command, Personnel Support Activity Detachment (PERSUPP DET) or personnel office, and MTF servicing a LIMDU population is required to appoint, in writing, a single point of contact (POC) to act as the Command Deployability Coordinator. Close liaison between parent command, PERSUPP DET, and medical Deployability coordinators is critical to ensure accurate accounting, tracking, medical treatment, and expeditious movement of LIMDU personnel through the transient pipeline.
Monthly Deployability Coordinators meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. via TEAMS.
For further information or guidance please reach out the to NMRTC Portsmouth, LIMDU team at usn.hampton-roads.navhospporsva.list.nmcp-limdu@health.mil.
Thank you,
Your LIMDU Team