
Operational Medicine

Services Provided for NAS Oceana and Tenant Commands

  1. Individual Augmentation (IA) Suitability Screenings
  2. Sea Duty, Overseas, and Remote/Special Duty Screenings for active duty and family members
  3. Electronic Periodic Health Assessments (ePHA)
  4. Pre/Post-Deployment Health Assessments/Reassessment (EDHA)
  5. Physicals
    • Retirement
    • Commissioning
    • Separation
    • Re-Enlistment
  6. Medical Assignment Screening (MAS) An MAS may be requested by the service branch subsequent to a Temporary Limited Duty (TLD) or being found “fit for continued naval service” by the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB). An MAS must be completed within 15 days with the member’s Primary Care Manager (PCM) or specialty service that placed the member on TLD status.
  7. Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ) Waivers

  8. PARFQ waivers must be scheduled with the member’s PCM (active-duty provider). NAVMED 6110/4, Physical Fitness Assessment Medical Clearance/Waiver must be completed and brought to appointment along with PRIMS data.

Contact Us




Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Weekends and Holidays

Emergency Services

On-base emergencies call the base Emergency Medical Service/Ambulance: 433-9111.


Branch Health Clinic NAS Oceana
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!