
Screening Description

The purpose of an Overseas Suitability Screening (OSS) or Sea Duty Screening (SDS) is to identify medical, dental, educational and potential duty limiting conditions or requirements of service and family members. Completing a screening will ensure that service and family members are qualified for overseas, sea duty, operational duty, and remote duty assignments. For the best medical care or education, sometimes an overseas/sea duty tour is not in the service or family member’s best interest.

Per BUMEDINST 1300.2B, the OSS/SDS screening process is required to be completed for service member within 30 days of receipt of orders/LOI, and for family members within 60 days. It is important that a screening is thoroughly completed on each service and family member who is to travel to overseas/sea duty/remote duty.

Screening Process

Part 1: Pick up an OSS/SDS suitability screening packet (Active Duty or Dependent as applicable) from the Medical Overseas Screening Department located near Hallway “B” at NMRTU Oceana. These forms can be printed via electronic PDF available on this web portal as well. All yellow highlight portions must be completed. *Please ensure to review all requirements listed below for active duty or family members as applicable.  All family members are required to submit all civilian health records for the past five years.

Part 2: Once you have completed all of the yellow highlighted portions within the packet, please return to NMRTU Oceana Dental Department for dental staff review and signature.  All family members must have required dental records and X Rays as listed below in line-item number 6 of the “Family Member Requirements”.

      a. *For all Dental Questions please contact: Ms. Erika Murphy 757-953-3914 or  or other front desk staff at 757-953-3915 or 3917 

Part 3: “Once you have received a phone call from NMRTU Dental that your packet(s) have been reviewed and signed please pick up the package (s) and return to the Medical Overseas Screening Desk near Hallway “B” with the OSS package and all required items listed in the “Family Member Requirements” section below.  Your packages will then be logged in as received by the staff and further reviewed for accuracy and completeness within 2 working days, you will then be contacted via phone to schedule an appointment with a health care provider for the final review.  *If during the initial review any items are noted as missing you must ensure these items are turned in prior to your scheduled healthcare provider appointment.  Missing items (civilian health records, lab results, EFM forms, school forms, immunization records, etc.) prior to your scheduled appointment may cause delays in your screening process. 

Part 4: After your appointment with your healthcare provider and suitability determination is made all copies of civilian documents received will be returned as well as the signed Page 3 of the NAVPERS 1300/16.  The NAVPERS 1300/16 is the administrative form that communicates to the active-duty members administrative staff the final suitability determination of the screening.

 At your appointment the healthcare provider will either find you suitable or unsuitable. If there are any medical, dental or educational concerns found during this appointment the gaining command will be notified via an inquiry from the NMRTU Oceana OSS department.  This inquiry is typically sent out the following workday and the gaining command has seven working days to respond with a medical suitability determination.  If you have not been contacted from the NMRTU Oceana OSS department within 14 business days after the appointment with the healthcare provider regarding the suitability determination, please call us at 757-953-3778.

Active Duty Requirements

  1. Copy of Letter of Intent (LOI)/Orders
  2. NAVMED 1300/2 (Fill in all yellow highlights)
  3. NAVMED 1300/1 (Fill in all yellow highlights)
  4. Dental Signature on PART II of NAVMED 1300/1
  5. NAVMED 1300/4 (For Individual Augmentees ONLY)
  6. Completed DD 2807 (Complete the form in its entirety) Explain all “YES” answers in Block 29a
  7. ePHA completed within one year
  8. HIV completed within 24 months 
  9. If the member wears glasses/contacts, must have an eye exam within 24 months and two pairs of glasses.
  10. Audiogram completed within five years or within the past 12 months for members who are in the Hearing Conservation Program.

Females (active duty)

  1. PAP (age 21 and above in accordance with current ASCCP guidelines)
  2. Mammogram (age 40 and above)

Family Member Requirements

  1. Copy of Letter of Intent (LOI)/Orders (Ensure family members are on orders)
  2. Copy of all civilian medical records for the past five years for review (If applicable)
  3. NAVMED 1300/2 Medical, Dental, and Educational Suitability Screening Checklist and Worksheet (Fill out all yellow highlights)
  4. NAVMED 1300/1 Medical, Dental and Educational Suitability Screening for Service and Family Members (Fill out all yellow highlights)
  5. Dental signature on PART II of NAVMED 1300/1 by civilian and military dentist (bite wings/pantograph and last year of treatment)
    • Children who are younger than 6 months do not require a dental screening.
    • Pediatricians may screen for children less than 24 months with no teeth.
  6. Completed DD 2807 Report of Medical History (Complete the form in its entirety. Explain all "YES" answers in Block 29a)
  7. Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) screening questionnaire (if yes to any questions, must have medical provider treating the chronic condition complete form DD 2792 Family Member Medical Summary)
    * Please note the treating medical provider must sign the bottom of EVERY PAGE 4-8.
  8. DD Form 2792-1 Exceptional Family Member Special Education/Early Intervention Summary
    • Children birth to 36 months of age; PCM may sign if child does NOT receive Early Intervention Services (EIS)
    • Children ages 3 up to 22nd birthday or high school graduation official signs the form, annotating if services are provided or not provided
  9. Immunizations (children immunized for age) (adult immunization record needed)
    • Family members electing to decline immunizations must receive counseling by the medical screener to include the benefits and risks of vaccination, however, omission of certain immunizations may have consequences under host country policies, which could include compulsory immunization, detention, quarantine, or denial of entry to the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP).
  10. PAP (age 21 and above every three to five years in accordance with ASCCP guidelines)
  11. Mammogram (age 40 and above)
  12. Pregnant (must be less than 28 weeks before departure), must submit all current OB records for applicable pregnancy

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,  Friday
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
8 a.m. to 4 p.m..
Weekends and Holidays

Immunizations Clinic Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.;
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Last patient taken at 2:45 p.m.
Weekends and Holidays
Please bring a copy of immunizations record


Naval Air Station Oceana
1550 Tomcat Blvd., Suite 150
Virginia Beach, VA 23460-2188


Coordinate with your Sponsor on when you will be checking in. Check in to Branch Health Clinic Oceana's Admin department, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.. For after hours, weekends, and holidays, check in with the Officer of the Day, call 757-394-6735 for assistance. Your sponsor is an integral part of your check-in process, if you have not been assigned a sponsor, please contact the Sponsor Coordinator at  or the Officer of the Day at 757-394-6735.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!