
Occupational Health

Description of Services

All ADSM must arrive 15 minutes prior to their appointments should present to their appointment in Uniform of the Day, unless in a leave status. We provide several types of physicals in our Occupational Health Clinic such as; Asbestos, RAD, Military Physicals, Overseas, Sea duty screens, PHAs, Animal Associated Disease, Asbestos, Child Care Worker, Chromic Acid/Chromium, 'Crane Operator', DOT (Dept of Transportation), Explosive Vehicle Operator , Explosive Material Handler, Firefighter, Forklift, Formaldehyde, Health Care Worker, Hazardous Waste, Isocyanides, Lasers, Lead (Inorganic), Metal Fumes, Mixed Solvents, MVO (Motor Vehicle Operator), NCIS, Noise, 'Ordinance Physical', 'Painter's Physical', Police/Guard Security, Respirator, 'Rigger Physical', Waste Water/Sewage Worker, Weight Handling, Welders/Braziers, Wood Dust and “Worker's Physical".

All members wearing prescriptive lenses must bring them for their scheduled appointment. Our Audio booth is open Mon-Fri 0700-1500. All physicals are walk in for Part I and schedule for Part II. You must have your Part I completed before you can schedule for your Part II.

The Occupational Health Doctor is only in the clinic on the First, Third and Fourth Tuesdays of each month.

Contact Us


(757) 953-8397


Monday through Friday: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!