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Quality Measures

The Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) has the Gold Seal of Approval as an accredited hospital by the Joint Commission. The Gold Seal means that our quality measures are evidence-based medicine. The Joint Commission uses the brand name ORYX to identify quality measures that must meet or exceed at least an 85% rate in critical clinical quality measures. Over the past three years, we have exceeded this rate before it became a requirement; currently, our quality rate is 98%.

The Joint Commission requires that we select four quality measures, and closely monitor them to improve patient outcomes in Surgical Care, Perinatal Care, Pneumonia Care, and Tobacco Treatment. These four measures include 54 sub-measures to ensure good patient care. In addition, TRICARE assigns four additional quality measures that include Acute Myocardial Infarction, Heart Failure, Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services, and Children’s Asthma Care. These four measures include 36 sub-measures to ensure good patient outcomes.

Joint Commission Quality Measures

Surgical Care

If you need surgery, you can trust our surgeons to perform the best surgery possible in a state-of-the art facility. Our care is compared with the national quality effort that focuses on improving surgical care by reducing surgical complications.

Perinatal Care

Healthy mothers and babies are the focus of our perinatal care services. This quality measure has a primary goal of reducing elective deliveries and Cesarean sections, and increasing breast milk feeding for healthier babies.

Pneumonia Care

The focus of this quality measure is to reduce the strength of the disease by performing early blood cultures and ensuring antibiotics are given in a timely manner. NMCP’s Emergency Department continues to improve in this measure.

Tobacco Treatment 

Most tobacco users want to quit, so while they are in the hospital nurses and physicians provide in-patient counseling and/or provide medication. Within 30 days of discharge a follow-up on the patient smoking treatment is performed.

TRICARE Quality Measures

Acute Myocardial Infarction & Heart Failure

The goals of these measures are to significantly improve patient outcomes. Physicians and nurses closely monitor the inpatient medications and the discharge instructions and medications.

Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services

It is important that physicians create a treatment plan for psychiatric patients as well as ensure that the plans are transmitted to the patient’s next level of care. Improving clinical communication is a key goal in this measure.

Children’s Asthma Care

Pediatric asthma patients are prescribed a medicine regimen. It is important that the patient or the parent know what triggers the disease, and what to do if symptoms become worse. Ask your doctor for a Home Management Plan of Care.

For more information about the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth’s Gold Seal of Approval, visit the Joint Commission website at

Updated 3 April 2023
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